Web Hosting

Domain Already Registered!

The domain name you requested has already been registered by one of our customers. Use the search box to the right to find an alternative domain name!

When you register one or more domain names with us you will get a free domain control panel to manage your domain registration. The free domain control panel features many useful features to help you manage your domain registration.

Domain Name Lookup

Use the form below to search for a domain name and we'll quickly see if it's available!

The free domain name control panel includes:

Domain Registration Pricing

Domain name registrations are for 1 year unless stated otherwise and are exclusive of VAT.

UK Domains


Global Domains


UK.com Domains


Other Domains


.co.uk (2yr Reg)£6.95.com£9.95.uk.com (2yr Reg)£54.95.mobi£10.95
.org.uk (2yr Reg)£6.95.org£9.95.uk.net (2yr Reg)£54.95.tel£10.95
.me.uk (2yr Reg)£6.95.net£9.95.eu.com (2yr Reg)£54.95.me£15.95
.info£9.95.gb.com (2yr Reg)£54.95.co£18.95
.biz£9.95.gb.net (2yr Reg)£54.95.cc£26.95